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Create Content that Connects and Inspires!

We live in a world where digital information is at the center of how we interact. 无论是通过社交媒体, 娱乐媒体或网络, digital design touches almost every moment of our lives. 

午餐大学 文学学士 在数字媒体中 combines study in multiple forms of communication and content creation, 包括打印, 网络和视觉媒体. 的 degree also helps students explore and prepare for the wide variety of professional opportunities available in social media, 市场营销, 公共关系及推广, 娱乐, 广告, 多媒体制作, both within corporate settings and as an independent entrepreneur.

午餐大学 数字媒体程序 包括 required study in multimedia creation, 艺术与设计, 专业写作, 市场营销, 视频制作及品牌推广, as well as courses in career development and a required internship. 的 degree’s creative core and media core provide a foundation for a student to design their own further advanced coursework in a variety of professional tracks and for their outside-the-classroom opportunities in multimedia content creation working on campus and for area businesses.

B.A. 在数字媒体中 包括, 不仅仅是动手的核心课程, but also the opportunity to take one or more specialized professional tracks, including more in-depth study in video production, 摄影与设计, 这类数字故事叙述, 体育媒体, 战略沟通, 音频生产, 网页设计和教学设计. Combining two or three of these tracks makes the Tiffin University graduate uniquely qualified for communication jobs in many different industries.  必须实习, in addition to the possibility of multiple professional internships, prepares digital media majors for their diverse career paths.

Outside of the classroom you’ll have opportunities to get real-world experience and start building your professional portfolio through work on TU’s Media Production Team, 社交媒体团队, 艺术团队, 体育媒体团队, 视频制作团队, 体育媒体队或学生报纸. You’ll also get to do internships where you’ll get to apply the skills you learn and network with industry professionals.



  • DMD134 -数位媒体导论 
  • ART151 -设计原则 
  • ENG152 -技术写作
  • MKT151 -市场营销入门
  • CMA352 -创造者职业发展
  • CMA470 -实习


  • 英语301 -专业沟通
  • DMD230 -视频制作
  • ART221 -品牌创造
  • ART324 -数字混合媒体
  • MKT370 -数字营销
  • CMA499 -高级研讨会


Students may also take up to 48 credit hours in advanced professional tracks or secondary areas of study. 


CMA352 -创作者职业发展: Students create and develop their own professional media portfolio and branding strategies, 学习职业发展技能, networking within professional activities and organizations, standards and practices for contract work, and opportunities researching and writing for grant funding.

ART221 -品牌创建: Students create real-world graphic design projects for 广告 and 市场营销, 运用他们的技能在图像编辑, 画, and graphic design and demonstrating professional management and communication skills.

ART324 -数字混合媒体: Students engage in the digital art-making processes, exploring the intersections between storytelling, culture and different modes of presentation. Using concepts including image compositing, 拨款, 拼贴画, 重新合成, students move from concept to output applying digital media resources to graphic design, 视频编辑, 故事板, 声音设计. 


在校园 – Offered in a 15-week semester format with start dates of January and August

数字媒体 Producers (+5% to +8% projected growth)

Multimedia Artists (+5% to +8% projected growth)

Social Media Manager (+5% to +8% projected growth)

Advertising Creative (+10% or higher projected growth)

Electronic commerce specialists (+5% to +8% projected growth)

Public relations specialists (+5% to +8% projected growth)

电影 & video editors (+14% or higher projected growth)

Audio & video technicians (+9% to +13% projected growth)

(数据来自onetcenter.组织和美国.S. 劳工统计局) 



博彩平台推荐校园很小, 易于导航, 学生人数很少, but the amount you can get involved in is endless. 另外, 每一个教授, 顾问, and coach I’ve had the opportunity to meet and work with at TU has had nothing but a positive impact on me. 不把我当学生看待, 但更像一个成年人, and working with me to help college go as smooth as possible.”

To truly stand out, we must not feel compelled to fit in.